Sally Wilson – our very own Deputy Head of Wardrobe here at Sheffield Theatres – has teamed up with DINA Arts Venue and, with funding from Arts Council England, created a new community art project Quotes for Hope.
Sheffield artists and performers were invited to donate a quote which brings them hope to the people of Sheffield. These were collated then each transformed into Quotes for Hope. Situated in Fitzalan Square in the heart of Sheffield city centre, a washing line towering 20 feet high now carries the quotes which Sally hand-painted on to colourful fabric to make up a rainbow of banners.
In the concept for Quotes for Hope, Sally said: ‘We need to embellish our towns and cities with connections, creating strong cords to others - offering messages of hope, revealing our best-washed thoughts strung on a clothesline to air. Bringing voices from the edges of the city to its centre; to be seen and rejoiced with, to share and celebrate, to unite and to hope for a better future.’
Among the collection are quotes from a plethora of Sheffield’s finest: actor and comedian Michael Palin, artist Jo Peel, poets Otis Mensah and Nadia Emam and children of all backgrounds, culture and religion from Ellesmere Children’s Centre, alongside Artistic Director of Sheffield Theatres Robert Hastie, theatre designer Ben Stones, musician Richard Hawley, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’s John McCrea, and regular Crucible actors Anna-Jane Casey and MinaAnwar.
The Quotes for Hope washing line will hang in Fitzalan Square from 25 March - 25 April, with the view to make the people of Sheffield smile.
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